Sunday, October 2, 2011

Creativity Block Relief

It has happened to most of us creative types at some time or another. Despite working 9-9,  you planned to add one chapter to your book... 6 months ago. Something always comes up and there just aren't enough hours in the day. The real truth is that you are either very disorganised or ...

Your brain is drained.

This exhaustion I like to call "brain-drain" was my struggle for at least two-three months. I saw my decreasing productivity and knew my vacation leave was months away. Refusing to stop, I pushed on through. That, however, only resulted in mistakes. My creative juices dried up. Designing a simple flier took thrice the time it should. These are some of the reasons for which I stopped blogging for a while. My body and brain could no longer keep up. So what then is the creatively drained brain supposed to do? 


Take the Sunday and sleep... all day. A rejuvenated and clear mind is a breeding ground for creativity. Take as many Sundays off as you need or take a vacation leave from work if you can. You're little good to yourself, your loved ones and your craft if you keep running yourself ragged.

Look out for my regular blog postings again now that I am refreshed. I just got off vacation leave during which I attended the American Library of Congress' 2011 National Book Festival and a course on digital book production in Washington DC. (wink) Yeah, yeah. I worked on my vacation, but I still got loads of rest and my brain is no longer drained. Woohoo!

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