Monday, October 3, 2011

Environmental Stewardship Series Launch in Jamaica

The Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU) with the support of the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ), produced and launched their first ever Environmental Stewardship Series. The launch was held at the University Theological College of the West Indies Chapel on Monday, October 3, 2011. The launch was supported with greetings from Jamaica's Governor General, Minister of Housing and the Jamaica Council of Churches, to name a few. A keynote address from Rt. Rev. Dr. Howard Gregory, Suffragan Bishop of Montego Bay, gave an inspiring talk on the individual's responsibility to the environment.

The Environmental Stewardship Series, funded by the of the EFJ and produced by the JBU, features a series of booklets focusing the Christian's responsibility to protect the environment. Though created in Jamaica and culturally appropriate, the series has global relevance, which makes the set of booklets unique and long overdue. As Christians believe that the earth is created by God, they should not stand by and watch it continue to deteriorate. The titled booklets cover a range of topics including, Climate Change, Pollution, Energy and Society, Poverty and Population, and The Christian's Response. I encourage you to contact the Jamaica Baptist Union for more information or to see how the booklets can be used as a manual for action in your church or life.

I had the pleasure of working as a designer on this project. As with the production of many books, the assumed end is often just the beginning. The authors, in their effort to produce superior work continuously sought to improve their work and several drafts were done. The work of the authors is evidence of the quality of content that has been produced.This first manual is one of the first steps in the right direction that the JBU is taking to become better stewards in protecting the earth.

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