- I really love my bookshelf.
- Seeing my bookshelf makes me feel like I read more than I really do. (laughing quietly)
- I think there is something sexy about hardcover books. Heheh. Yes, I like hardcover books a lot.
- I can't imagine ever enjoying my hard-copy magazines anywhere near as much if they are on a screen. Turning the pages is half the fun.
- I'm sick and tired of how much space my books take up.
- I don't want to buy anymore books because my bookshelf is full and I'm not willing to get rid of anything on it... including my antique wooden bookends.
- I'm ready to buy a portable e-book reader but hate the idea of buying one then hearing a month later that a newer version is out.
This morning, I read an article from The Korea Times on the topic of increasing e-books. It regards the Border's bookstore bankruptsy as being symbolic of the trends. The article also offers important stats for any book-lover to know. Thank God for Google News cause I'd never have seen this otherwise. I think it's worth checking out. My question to you is, are you ready to shed your bookshelf? Why?
Oh yeah, and Barbara Walters revealed contents of her bad that included a huge book nestled in her huge bag on The View to Oprah recently. I was so shocked that I didn't even catch the title.
Anyway, happy Monday to you. I hope to write you more regularly form now on. Don't forget to read the article and comment or join me on Facebook and Twitter.
stopping by to catch a read.