Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Book Trailer: The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

The movie Lincoln Lawyer was decent but I still plan to read the book. There is no way I'm going to watch The Help before reading it. But this book trailer for The Black Prism by Brent Weeks doesn't really make me want to read the book. I want to see the movie! Hehe. I just don't think my imagination can match up.

Honestly though, I may read it just to see if the book can upstage the trailer. What is your opinion of this book trailer? Is it effective as a marketing tool? Are you sold and rushing to make a purchase?


  1. I can't tell by the trailer if it would be good or not. Parts look interesting, but I think it jumps around too much.

  2. Hi DM. Thanks for responding.

    I agree, the trailer is a bit "mysterious." I don't quite get the storyline. But then, I suppose you can't give away the book in the trailer. I dunno.

    What do you think and would you buy the book though?

  3. I couldn't get through it. It bored the hell out of me.

  4. Hi, Deidre,

    As a movie, this would be one for Netflix for me. I am not interested in the book at all based on this trailer. It relied too much on the fancy effects and fights. My husband said it was enough to make him look up the book the next time we visit B&N.

    I don't like trailers that are summaries in disguise, but I do like to get a real feel for the plot/theme of the book. Interestingly, all the blogs and comments I'm seeing are about the trailer and not "How cool this book is!"

  5. Hi Karina,
    I totally agree with you. The trailer, though really developed/fancy, I really didn't see a plot worth trying to follow. It appeals to people who love action but I only reading it could tell if the words could adequately represent the elaborate action-packed trailer. I may pick this book up and read it just for the sake of the blog but we'll see. And girl, I'd wait till the movie is out on TV. Hahahaha.

    Hi Janelle,
    Your comment had me laughing out loud. There was very little to follow but being a love of action, I was waiting to see something that would hold me. I'd watch the movie on TV but even Netflix is too much to spend for me. lol.

    To all,

    Maybe this trailer tried to do too much but is clearly doing too little by way of the book.
